S+L's documentary "
Across the Divide" hasn't been released yet, but already our trailer has been generating buzz. Michael Swan from the
Catholic Register visited our broadcast centre recently to learn more about the project. At the end of his article, he revealed some exciting plans that we've been quietly on: before its broadcast debut, we will hold special screenings in several cities across Canada this spring. We'll be releasing more details in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, watch the trailer above, and check out Swan's article below.
Reaching across the Israeli-Palestinian divide with Salt + Light's new documentary
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Written by Michael Swan
TORONTO - Fr. Tom Rosica knows he’s going to get letters. You don’t wade into the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis expecting bouquets of roses.
Controversy has never been a hallmark of Salt + Light TV. Since its launch in the wake of World Youth Day 2002, Rosica has consciously shaped the digital broadcaster as a voice of hope — clear, Catholic evangelism without the rancor, resentments or fear that so often mar religious television.
Despite efforts at balanced, just-the-facts reporting, Salt + Light’s next big documentary will elicit partisan passion for and against Israel, for and against the Palestinian leadership, when it airs later this year.
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