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The moment Jesus rose

Julian Paparella

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Have you ever imagined the moment when Jesus rose from the dead? The Gospels don’t tell us anything about the actual moment of the resurrection. We know the disciples found the tomb empty on Easter Sunday. But what must it have been like the moment Jesus came back to life, when His body went from being dead to alive?
Imagine the feeling coming back into his fingers and toes. Imagine His eyes opening. Imagine Him looking at the wounds in His hands and side. Imagine the stone being rolled away and fresh air coming into the tomb. Imagine Jesus sitting up, standing up, and walking out into the garden. Maybe it was in the dead of night. Maybe it was at the crack of dawn, as the first light of the new day appeared across the horizon. Imagine the early morning breeze sweeping across Jesus’ face.
Could he hear the birds singing? Imagine how He must have felt, imagine what he must have been thinking, alive again, back from the dead to be our Saviour – risen to raise us up with Him. Jesus, come and renew our lives with the power and wonder of your resurrection. Lead us out of the tomb with you to the light of a new day.

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