Last Monday, Pope Francis celebrated four years since his election as pontiff. During this week, the Holy Father received many messages and witnesses for this anniversary, words of profound admiration and encouragement to continue on this path, his ministry. Speaking to Vatican Radio, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin said: “I believe that Amoris Laetitia has […]
If I were to sum up all the little fragments that I collected to form the image of Pope Francis in my mind, all that resonates with me, it could be summed up in this one sentence: “Your life is a prayer.”
Dearest Papa, Happy 4th Anniversary of saying “Yes!” to your papacy! Over the past four years, you refilled energy to the Church and keep bringing the hope to the world, especially to the people in far end. Thank you for helping us meditate of the message of God from daily mass at the Casa Santa Marta. When I read your […]