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Magisterium of the People: From the Director's Chair

Salt + Light Media

Monday, December 24, 2018

In 2015, the Catholic Committee of Appalachia (CCA) published their famous "People's Pastoral," a letter that came directly from the people of Appalachia, a place in great need of healing. It was the result of decades of listening to the cries of the poor and of earth, and working to heal their wounds.
Magisterium of the People, a brand new documentary which airs tomorrow on Salt + Light TV, explores the story behind this bold and prophetic document.
Watch the videos below to learn more about how this fascinating film came to be and what we can all learn from the people of Appalachia. Sebastian Gomes, producer and director, of Magisterium of the People, gives us interesting and exclusive insights into the making of his new film.

1. On the origins of Magisterium of the People

2. The concept of the "People's Pastoral" from the Catholic Committee of Appalachia

3. The meaning of the film's title Magisterium of the People

4. The message of Magisterium of the People for the Church today

5. The relevance of Magisterium of the People outside the Church

6. The most memorable part of directing Magisterium of the People

7. On the key themes of Magisterium of the People

Watch the premiere of
at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT on December 25!

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