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15 acts of kindness you can still do in quarantine

Marie Anne Torres

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Just because we’re in quarantine doesn’t mean we can’t continue to show God’s love to those around us. Sure, we can’t do some things we could before, but even now there are plenty of acts of kindness we can still do — for those inside and outside our home. Perhaps we can take this time to focus on the even smaller acts of kindness that we would have previously overlooked.
Let’s not let quarantine stop us from furthering God’s kingdom and striving to be better Christians!
Here are 15 acts of kindness we can still do in quarantine — I’m happy to say I’ve seen all of these done in person or shared on social media!
And of course, even when doing acts of kindness, we should make sure to follow all public health protocols.
1. Call someone who might need company
Know someone who might need companionship these days — be it a family member or friend? Give them a call, or at least check in with them! You never know how much they may appreciate your company and time.
2. Donate to a charity
A lot of nonprofits, from orphanages to food programs, are in great need these days — precisely when they are needed the most! See if you can spare a buck to two and help their vital missions continue.
3. Write someone a letter
A little old-fashioned, I know, but it’s still a beautiful way to communicate with someone. A letter is a lasting, palpable reminder of your love and care for that person (certainly more than a text message). And who doesn’t love receiving an uplifting surprise in the mail?
4. Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep
Have an occasion to celebrate, or just want to make someone’s day? Drive by and leave a bouquet of flowers on someone’s doorstep! There was actually a flower shop that recently left thousands of their unsold flowers on people’s doorsteps in Hamilton, Ontario!
5. Buy a little extra when you grocery shop and drop it off at the local food bank
Grocery shopping may be troublesome these days (the lineups, the constant protocols), but imagine trying to buy food for your family under financial strain. On your next shopping trip think of those who can’t afford to feed their families and buy a little extra. Bring these items to your community food bank and drop them off in their specified donation areas!
6. Have a (safe-distance) conversation with your neighbour
How well do you know your neighbours — your actual neighbours? Now’s a great time to have a chat when you see them walking the dog or mowing the lawn. Ask them how they’re doing and encourage them to reach out if they need anything.
7. Smile at the people you pass by, even if they are farther away
It’s one of the simplest things you can do, but surely it’s still needed. As you walk by others, give them a smile (even if they are farther away than normal)! Spread hope and warmth in this little way, despite the times!
8. Clean your home
Cleaning shared spaces can be a nice act of kindness for those you live with (and even for yourself, if you live alone). It makes home environments more pleasant and can also bring much joy to that parent or spouse who's been asking you to finally do the dishes.
9. Bake something nice for your family
If you find yourself with free time, see if you can bake bread, cake, or other sweets to share with those at home. You’ll definitely be bringing great happiness to the bellies of those around you (this is probably one of my favourite acts of kindness)!
10. Say “yes” when a family member asks to spend time with you
Say “yes” to that board game, movie, walk, or workout, even if it isn’t exactly your cup of tea!
11. Practice patience
Though small, this one might be one of the toughest on the list. Is someone on your nerves these days? Try to bring peace and harmony into your home by practicing patience instead of jumping directly into anger. It’s also important to note that everyone is stressed and uncertain these days. Try not to be hard on your family members or roommates during this time.
12. Say a prayer
Say a prayer for someone — or even with someone. What a beautiful thing to do for/with those around you — even if those whom you’ve prayed for don’t know that you’ve kept them in your heart.
13. Put an inspiring note on your window
This is a great one if you live with kids, or if you’re a kid at heart yourself. With so many frontline workers to thank for keeping us safe, and so much need for hope, this is a simple but sweet way to uplift those in your community.
14. Compliment someone
This one is easy peasy and can be done at any time. Compliment someone at home or in your circle of friends. Let them know what you admire or appreciate about them! Quarantine certainly does not limit this act of kindness!
15. Offer to run an errand
Offer to run an errand for someone who is in the at-risk group — a parent, a neighbour, a friend. This can mean the world to someone who is especially stressed about contracting the virus.
Hopefully, these act of kindness ideas inspire you during quarantine! If we can do all these nice things now, imagine how much more we’ll do OUT of quarantine!

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