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Vatican Connections: Is the Catholic Church in a Growth or a Decline?

Noel Ocol

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Welcome to another edition of Vatican Connections
Since our last episode, a lot of interesting things have happened in Rome, especially with the beginning of the Lenten season. Here are just some of the stories that we bring to you on tonight’s show.
  • The pope kicked off the Lenten season with a traditional procession that goes back to the earliest moments of the Church.
  • Remember the story of the million-dollar vegan challenge that offered Pope Francis a million bucks to the charity of his choice if he went vegan for Lent? Well, the Vatican  responded.
  • Leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were in Rome for a very specific reason. Find out the details.
  • The annual Vatican Yearbook is out, and it has some interesting statistics about the state of the Catholic Church in the world today. Is the Catholic Church in a growth or a decline?
We have all that and more in this week's edition of Vatican Connections.

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