In the heart of Montreal, there is a very special house with a lovely name communauté Vita-Joie (Live Your Joy). In 2009, the sisters of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame moved into this house to welcome two new candidates, Andrée Maheu and Violaine Paradis. When the sisters were received as novices, the house became a novitiate. Now, Andrée and Violaine are sisters in temporary profession and Vita-Joie’s mission is changing once again, it is becoming an intercultural and intergenerational community. Seven sisters currently live in this house sharing the joys and challenges of daily life, all have very busy schedules and extraordinary vitality! Community Life and Commitment This community group is composed of five Canadian sisters (Francine, Sheila, Louise, Andrée and Violaine), one Cameroonian sister (Brigitte) and one Honduran (Mariana). French is the main language spoken in the house in order to help Sister Mariana improve her knowledge of the language but you can also hear English and Spanish around the house. It is a big house with enough space to accommodate everyone, but a harmonious community life requires some organization and, at times, compromises. The seven sisters share the household tasks, e.g., they take turns preparing dinner according to an established schedule. If one of them will not be home when it is her turn to cook, she prepares the meal in advance and arranges for someone to warm it up when it is time to serve. They all try to be together for prayer and the evening meal but it is not always possible. Monday is the only day of the week when all seven have dinner together. At times there are a few extra people around the dinner table, guests enjoying the warm hospitality that is characteristic of the sisters of the Congrégation of Notre-Dame. Community meetings are held on a regular basis for the sisters to meet and celebrate together, and to discuss what is going well and what is not. Communication is key to harmonious living together. “One must be very open to the other’s culture,” Sister Francine pointed out and Sister Brigitte added: “There are adjustments to be made in the beginning but after living together for a while it is going better and better.” Everything cannot be put down on paper; you must experience something in order to know what may need to be changed. Each person has different commitments and obligations which must also be reconciled.
Sister Francine Landreville is a member of the Marguerite-Bourgeoys provincial administration (an administrative entity of the congregation), she acts as bursar. Sister Sheila Sullivan, an English-speaking Montrealer, holds several different positions after having devoted ten years to the service of the General Administration of the Congregation. She is the formation director for Visitation Province and a member of the Board of Directors of the International Bureau for Children’s Rights. Sister Louise Breton is a counselor and spiritual guide. The other sisters combine studies and services: Sister Brigitte Minkada arrived in Quebec in 2010; she is currently completing a Bachelor’s in Pastoral Theology at the Dominican Pastoral Institute. Brigitte also devotes several hours a week to “La rue des femmes”, an organization which works with itinerant women, both the homeless and those who are at different stages of making homes for themselves. “My outlook is changing. These women bring me a great deal. Being exposed to this reality has helped break down many prejudices. I try to bring them a real quality of presence.” Sister Mariana Sagastume Ventura is studying at IFHIM (Institut de Formation humaine intégrale de Montréal). Sister Andrée Maheu works at Maison l’Échelon, an organization that helps people suffering from mental illness; her commitment calls on her many artistic talents: she organizes different creative and sports-oriented activities, even making musical instruments to accompany the singing! Sister Violaine works in pastoral leadership at the Centre étudiant Benoît-Lacroix; she is currently working on a play with a group of young adults, Dead Man Walking. According to Sister Francine, although they are all very busy, living in a small community allows for much more interaction than in the bigger residences. “Life was also much more structured in the old convents,” recalled Sister Sheila, who clearly remembers her daily schedule at Saint-Paul Academy, which included time for payer, religious reading and... sewing! Different times, different occupations: the garage has been transformed into a workshop where Andrée creates works of art using recycled materials. There are also a few bicycles stored in there for the winter... but our sisters know how to keep in shape with exercise equipment! The house is clearly divided into common areas and personal spaces. To decorate the house, the sisters have hung on the walls works of art from the different countries where the Congregation is present as well as CND creations that were kept in the archives: many of them evoke a strong theme of the spirituality of the Congregation, the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth. And of course, one room is used as a chapel. It is difficult to pray in another language, isn’t it? During community prayer, parts of the prayer are recited in the different languages and the sisters slowly begin to learn them. The sisters go to different local churches. Mariana found one that celebrates Mass in Spanish which allows her to get back to her roots and helps her feel at home. Apart from the age differences, the diverse languages and varied schedules, laughter is universal and there is a lot of it at the Vita-Joie community! At home, among your family, is where you draw the strength necessary to pursue your mission. This is also true in the international family of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame.Written by Stephanie Manseau, Coordinator of Communications for Congrégation de Notre-Dame.
6月26日,聖座舉行記者會介紹將於今年10月5日至19日在梵蒂岡召開的第三屆世界主教會議非常會議的工作綱領。第三屆世界主教會議以家庭為主題,因此這份文件收集了地方教會對有關婚姻與家庭問卷的答案並予以歸納綜合。 家庭是社會的基本細胞,但家庭陷入危機。世界主教會議綱領以這兩個現況為中心線,分三個部分進行闡述。
本周《教會透視》最新內容: 教宗: 教會不是精英組織,而是眾人在團結與和諧中生活的家 10月9日,教宗方濟各在公開接見活動的要理講授中強調:統一和差異在教會內「和諧」共處。他再次勉勵信徒避免說人閒話、搬弄是非。 教宗召開世界主教會議第三屆非常會議 教宗方濟各宣布2014年10月5日至19日在梵蒂岡召開世界主教會議第三屆非常會議,主題為「新福傳背景下的家庭牧靈挑戰」。 中國寧夏教區首屆青年聚會圓滿落幕 10月1日至10月4日,中國寧夏教區在銀川成功舉辦了首屆大型青年聚會,聚會主題為「主,在這裡真好!」,來自教區各堂口的青年教友及修女共110人參加了此次聚會。 如何面對「同性傾向」者講座 加拿大多倫多總教區華人團體中華殉道聖人堂邀請了兩位現為總教區「同性戀者提供支援及牧民小組」的負責人Theresa 及 Alan 為關心有關同性傾向議題的父母及兄弟姊妹作講座及討論。 国粵雙語!歡迎分享! 點擊收看
「教會有時把自己關在小事情、細微的誡律中。更重要的則是第一個喜訊:耶穌基督救贖了你!」這是教宗方濟各與«公教文明»期刊主編安東尼奧·斯帕達羅神父長談的內容之一。 «公教文明»期刊同耶穌會在全球其它16份期刊於9月19日將這篇訪談公諸於世,其內容近30頁,由斯帕達羅神父整理。教宗方濟各在訪談中概述了自己的容貌,說明了他對耶穌會的看法,分析了今日教會的角色,指出牧靈行動的當務之急,也回答了關於福音宣講的問題。以下是梵蒂岡電台對這篇訪談作的撮要:
教宗方濟各昨夜(按:7月29日)在里約熱內盧乘坐專機飛返羅馬,在機艙內會晤傳媒,期間有記者問及巴蒂斯塔.里卡蒙席(MonsignorBattista Ricca)及教廷同性戀游說團的問題。以下是該記者的提問與教宗的回應,並附上教宗引用天主教教理中對同性戀教導的全文……