Can you name a Saint Marguerite who founded one of the first uncloistered orders for women, which had a profound impact on modern Canada? There are two!
In this #TFImoment, Sr. Beth Davies recounts how Pope Francis' meeting with people suffering from Huntington’s disease inspired her to greater compassion.
Sister Marilyn von Zuben was a missionary in Japan (1963-1976) and in Cameroon (1992-2010). Since she came back to Canada, she has been interested in the re-entry process of returning missionaries. She is starting a support group to help religious who, like her, are struggling with the difficulties of coming back to Canada after years […]
In the heart of Montreal, there is a very special house with a lovely name communauté Vita-Joie (Live Your Joy). In 2009, the sisters of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame moved into this house to welcome two new candidates, Andrée Maheu and Violaine Paradis. When the sisters were received as novices, the house became a novitiate. […]
I am a sister of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame (CND). On April 1, 2013, I left Japan on a one-year assignment to be a member of the International Community located in the Mother House in Montreal. First, let me briefly introduce the history of the CND in Japan. It was in 1932 that five French […]