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Witnessing what God is already doing and cooperating with him | Synod on Synodality

Julian Paparella

Friday, October 11, 2024

Outstretched hands over a grass field. Hands are cupped in the shape of a heart holding many green seeds and a few small flowers.
Pexels photo.
It is often said that synodality is about walking together. But synodality is not just a question of the feet by which we walk together. It is also a question of opening our eyes and reaching out our hands. What do I mean by that?
Synodality is not just a vague idea, but rather something concrete to put into practice. It is about doing something together, taking concrete steps forward on the path that we share. But it’s not only about what we do. First and foremost, it’s about what God is doing. What is God doing today? What does God want us to do? And what is God doing in us? 
God is always present in our lives and in the life of the world. The Holy Spirit is God’s invisible presence that makes himself known when we take the time to pay attention. Pope Francis has said that:
“With the eyes of faith, we can see the light which the Holy Spirit always radiates in the midst of darkness, never forgetting that ‘where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more’ (Romans. 5:20). Our faith is challenged to discern how wine can come from water and how wheat can grow in the midst of weeds” (Evangelii Gaudium, 84).
The challenges that we face in the world and in the Church can cause us to lose heart. We can think that God was at work in some bygone era, when there were great saints and eloquent missionaries. We can be tempted to believe that God has left the building or gone on vacation. In reality, God is right here with us, in this moment of history. He has planted us here and has plans for us to bear fruit, no matter how rough the soil may seem. 
In our prayer, it is good to ask for God’s help: God, help me to get through this. God, help me to face this situation. God, help me to know what you want me to do. God hears us when we ask for his help, even if he doesn’t always respond in the way we might expect. 
But there’s also another prayer that we make each morning: God, what are you doing today and what can I do to help? Yes, we need God’s help and God is there to help us. But God also needs our help. As the great St. Augustine once said, “God who created everything without us, does not want to save us without us.” God wants our cooperation. Can you believe it? He wants us to join in what he is already doing all around us. We need eyes that are open to witness the work that God is already doing, in our own lives and in the lives of others. We need hands that are ready to work with God, follow His lead, and live out His dreams.
Lord, give us eyes to see what you are doing and hands to work with You each day. Amen.

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