Conveniently you can make the trek sitting in the comfort of your home -- just tune into this month's edition of Lectio Divina.
Trees and forests pop up in the Scripture passage the Archbishop meditates on:
How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire.
The above is an excerpt from the third chapter of the Letter of St. James; Toronto's chief shepherd covers that chapter and the first ten verses of chapter four.
While Smokey the Bear watches out for the trees of the forest, the Archbishop is watching out for our souls, and so in this month's episode he meditates on the flint mentioned above, that often sets things ablaze (and not in a
Holy Spirit on Pentacost kind of way!).
The tongue.
Slander. Gossip. Biting comments. Nasty criticisms.
You can already imagine a puff of smoke over a stand of white pine!
Besides the damage this behaviour does to our soul, the Archbishop reminds us that ultimately it is a waste of time.
We should be using our tongue to bless the Lord. To comfort others. To guide others. To confess our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The Archbishop reminds us that Confession can help us see the fires our tongue has set... or sins caused.
And if we think of the sin as the branch of a tree, then he says we should try and see what is at its root. Maybe it's pride. Envy. Lust. Greed. When it's identified, we can pull that root out.
Join us for a little spiritual forestry in April's broadcast edition of
Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: Letter of St. James Sunday, April 10th, at 8:30pm ET, or catch the encore presentation Wednesday, April 13th, at 8:00pm ET.