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Magnifying Glass

1 Day

A home built in one day. An overambitious goal? Not for engineer Tom Pirelli, who first achieved the dream in 2006 as a response to the realities of homelessness. Three years later, Tom's vision has drawn in volunteers from all over North America.
1 Day

Abraham's Tent

Young Israeli Muslims, Jews, and Christians spend two weeks with a multi-faith group of young Canadians.

Changing Course

In response to school violence, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board in Ontario develops an ambitious vision to support at-risk youth, a project that reveals challenges, victories, and the limitless potential of Catholic education.

A New Leaf: Confronting a Food Crisis

Kris Dmytrenko travels to Niger in West Africa to learn about a food crisis in the Sahel that threatens to escalate into a famine.

Ends of the Earth

A group of high school students travel to the Yukon on a mission trip. Will the long days and the week’s work teach them the value of pilgrimage, of sacrifice, and what it really means to be a missionary?

A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust

Pope Pius XII guided the Catholic Church through two tumultuous decades, firmly establishing himself as a champion of peace and the moral voice of a world torn apart by war. However, shortly after his death in 1958, his heroic legacy has been called into question by some historians. In 2010, A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust received an award at Magnificat, an international Catholic festival of Christian films and TV programs.

Turning the Tide: Dignity, Compassion and Euthanasia

Five individuals explore how the legalization of euthanasia would affect society, especially those who are most vulnerable: those with disabilities, the elderly, and those with chronic illnesses. It looks at the concepts of compassion, dignity, quality of life, personal autonomy, and choice. Featured at the 2007 Columbus International Film & Video Festival in the U.S., the 2007 Polonjiny Festival Multimedialny, the 2008 Niepokalanów Film Festival in Poland, and the 2008 Signis Magnificat Festival in Belarus.

In Your Faith

Join Byron and Rosanna as they explore the Church’s teachings in a fast-paced and fun way, offering you a practical message and giving you an opportunity to discuss what you have to say about what the Church has to say.

Keeping the Faith

As young people strike out on their own in university, many will leave the Church — but there are still those who end up deepening their faith during these formative years. What makes for the difference? Join host Cheridan Sanders as she visits the Catholic University of America to find out.

Journey of Light

A young Canadian has ten days to visit the most significant places of Christ’s life and to meet the people who live there today. She's there to promote Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but her personal desire is to see the face of God. Featured at the 2006 Columbus International Film & Video Festival in the U.S.

At the Foot of the Cross

Young  people participate in the annual Way of the Cross on Good Friday in Peterborough. Together, they re-enact the 14 traditional Stations through the streets. They witness to our faith and offer reflections on their experience and Christ's great sacrifice.

1 Day

A home built in one day. An overambitious goal? Not for engineer Tom Pirelli, who first achieved the dream in 2006 as a response to the realities of homelessness. Three years later, Tom's vision has drawn in volunteers from all over North America.


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