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Keeping the Faith

As young people strike out on their own in university, many will leave the Church — but there are still those who end up deepening their faith during these formative years. What makes for the difference? Join host Cheridan Sanders as she visits the Catholic University of America to find out.
Keeping the Faith
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Keeping the Faith

Attending university is a life-changing experience. As young people strike out on their own this will be a time when many will lose their faith. Thankfully, that’s not always the case. There are those who end up deepening their faith during these formative years. What makes for the difference? Join host Cheridan Sanders as she visits the Catholic University of America to find out.

Keeping the Faith

As young people strike out on their own in university, many will leave the Church — but there are still those who end up deepening their faith during these formative years. What makes for the difference? Join host Cheridan Sanders as she visits the Catholic University of America to find out.


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