Liturgically, this has been a week of martyrs. Sunday was the feast of St. Benedicta of the Cross, or Edith Stein, Monday was St. Lawrence, today is St. Pope Pontian and companions, and tomorrow the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. These martyrs were the focus of Pope Benedict XVI's Sunday Angelus address -- you can view a report on that from the Vatican YouTube channel:
This martyrdom, of course, continues today. Check the headlines of any Catholic news sites and there's no shortage of persecution and killing of Christians -- in Vietnam, India, Pakistan, and the list goes on. It's so easy to overlook this, but we must remember our fellow brothers and sisters who are giving their lives for their faith. Though there may seem to be little we can do, at the very least we can pray for them. Though we may not see the fruits of our efforts, it is an important sign of solidarity and an expression of love. May these witnesses of God's love, that are recognized this week, intercede on behalf of all persecuted and suffering Christians that God may grant courage and comfort to all.