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Tomb Zoom

Matthew Harrison

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

By now most of you have probably heard about the 'discovery' of the so-called "Jesus Tomb." You've probably also noticed that the announcement accompanied the release of a book, a website, and an upcoming TV program. Interesting how that works. Unfortunately it would seem that those involved in this fiasco are more interested in grabbing headlines and ratings rather than the truth.
Salt + Light CEO Father Thomas Rosica was busy on Monday fielding all sorts of calls regarding the subject. He also appeared on Zoom, our daily four-minute update, to discuss the subject. If you missed it at 7pm E-T on our digital network, you can view it online by clicking here and selecting the February 26th edition (each Zoom update remains online for one week).
Remember -- Zoom airs weekdays at 7pm E-T on Salt + Light and is also available online on our main website, (just click on the Zoom button!).

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