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The Gentle Saint with the Lily

Matthew Harrison

Monday, March 19, 2007

On this the solemnity of St. Joseph, I can’t help but think of the litany for this humble and admirable holy man.
It’s in the following titles that we honour blessed Joseph, the renowned offspring of David, the light of Patriarchs, the foster father of the Son of God, and the spouse of the Mother of God. And we pray to him: Joseph – chaste guardian of the Virgin and diligent protector of Christ – watch over us!
Joseph most just, most chaste, most prudent, most strong, most obedient, and most faithful; may your virtuous life be an example for us in exile here on earth. Lover of poverty, help us to detach ourselves from the passing world and embrace a life of simplicity clinging only to Christ. Model of artisans, help us to see the value in the work we do each day. As you were a role model and teacher for a young Jesus, guide our hands and mind that our lives and work may be an expression of God’s kingdom. Mirror of patience, help us to be patient with each other and not allow anxieties to separate us from God. Guardian of virgins, protect our young people, help them to see the value of chastity and purity, and watch over all religious who have given themselves to the only begotten Son, whom you bravely guarded.
Head of the Holy Family, as you were given the precious charge of watching over Jesus and Mary, help parents watch over their own children; that they may be wise and loving in the mission God has entrusted to them, particularly in teaching their children our holy Catholic faith. Intercede for all men that they may be loving fathers to their children and loving husbands to their wives; help us to take the responsibility of fatherhood seriously! Glory of home life, as God dwelled in your home in Nazareth, help us to make our homes holy dwelling places for God. Help our homes to be places of love and respect like that of the place which you, Jesus, and Mary called home. Pillar of families, strengthen our own families and give us the courage to defend the family; that all may recognize it as the cornerstone of our society.
Solace of the wretched, help us to see the wretchedness in our own lives: the sin, the distractions, the barriers we place between ourselves and our Lord. And when we see this, intercede on our behalf that we may turn our hearts to Jesus! Hope of the sick, watch over us as you watched over and cared for the Child Jesus, and whisper a word to Him for us, that he may grant us relief in our sufferings. Patron of the dying, along with your most glorious spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be with us at the hour of our death. Comfort us, and stay with us, that we may receive the sacraments to properly prepare ourselves to meet our Creator. Terror of demons, as you held the Saviour in your arms, wrap your arms around us, shielding us from all evils, and guiding us forward in all that our Saviour asks of us. Patron of Canada, wake us from our slumber of indifference that we may protect the family, defend the dignity and sanctity of life, and restore the love for God and His Church that was once dominate across this land. Protector of the Holy Church, be with our religious, our priests, our bishops, our Cardinals, and our pope, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. Be with all of us who are the body of Christ: Guide us. Protect us.
May we be worthy enough to have blessed Joseph intercede on our behalf in heaven for those of us who venerate him on earth!
Thank you God for the holy example of St. Joseph!
St. Joseph, pray for us!

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