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Tag: Tbilisi

Pope Francis in Georgia: Homily during Mass in Tbilisi

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Salt + Light Media

Among the many treasures of this magnificent country, one that stands out is the importance of women. As Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, whom we commemorate today, wrote: “they love God in much larger numbers than men do” (Autobiography, Manuscript A, VI). Here in Georgia there are a great number of grandmothers and mothers who unceasingly defend […]

Pope Francis in Georgia: Meeting with Civil Authorities and Diplomatic Corps

Friday, September 30, 2016

Salt + Light Media

The plane carrying the Holy Father left this morning at 9:15 am from Rome-Fiumicino Airport, and is expected to land at 15:00 local time (13:00 Brussels time) at the Tbilisi International Airport, after four hours of flight. Upon arrival Pope Francis was welcomed by the President of Georgia, Mr. Giorgi Margvelashvili and wife, as well […]


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