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Tag: Fr. James Mallon

Deacon-structing: Mission

Monday, October 17, 2022

Deacon Pedro

If you’re in the Church, it’s becoming harder and harder to ignore our missionary call. This something Pope Francis has continually talked about since his first year of papacy: go out to the peripheries; get out of the sacristies; go and make disciples of all nations. In a way, the ground was prepared by Pope […]

Halifax Dispatches: Being Mission

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Alicia Ambrosio

Missionary work is by no means easy work. But Father James Mallon of Halifax believes Catholics shouldn’t do missionary work. Instead they should be mission. He addressed the national convention of the Catholic Women’s League in Halifax about how this is accomplished. What exactly does it mean to be mission? How does one – pardon […]

Renovating our parishes and other conversations

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Salt + Light Media

This week, on a special edition of the SLHour, Fr. James Mallon has good advice for renewing our parishes and we speak about spousal prayer with Deacon James Keating. We also meet singer/songwriter Craig Colson and re-connect with 19-year-old Mags. These interviews first aired between October and December 2014. For a more in-depth interview with […]

From a maintenance to a missional Church

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Salt + Light Media

What is the mission of the Church? To care for the gathered or to reach out to the scattered? This week, we speak with Fr. James Mallon about moving from a maintenance to a missional parish; Mark Matthews tells us what’s good in Hollywood; We learn about Canada’s premier religious publisher and we meet singer/songwriter […]

October 1, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Salt + Light Media

[singlepic id=134 w=150 h=152 float=right] What do you know about Dogmatic Theology? Probably not a lot – but you have heard the word “dogma” before – to explain it all in a way you can understand, this week we are joined by Fr. James Mallon, Executive Producer and host of the new DVD series, Dogmatic […]

June 12, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Salt + Light Media

[singlepic id=67 w=150 h=220 float=right]It’s a common story that of a rock musician who leaves it all because of a conversion. That’s what happened to our featured artist of the week, Fred Cacciotti. We speak to him and listen to his music today on S+L Radio. We also speak to one more man in black, […]


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