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Salt and Light Staff Wishing you a Blessed Christmas!

Salt + Light Media

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

S+L Staff Christmas 2014
This photo was taken at our 2014 Staff Christmas Celebration on Friday evening, December 19, 2014 in the chapel of the Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre in Toronto.
Here are our prayers for you this Christmas:
To the Child of Bethlehem
Prayer of St. John XXIII
O sweet Child of Bethlehem,
grant that we may share with all our hearts
in this profound mystery of Christmas.
Put into people's hearts this peace
for which they sometimes seek so desperately
and which you alone can give them.
Help them to know one another better
and to live as brothers and sisters,
children of the same Father.
Reveal to them also your beauty,
holiness and purity.
Awaken in their hearts love and gratitude
for your infinite goodness.
Join them all together in your love.
And give us your heavenly peace.
Prayer of Archbishop Oscar Romero
December 3, 1978
"But let us remember that Christ became a person of his people, of his time;
he lived as a Jew; he laboured as a worker in Nazareth; and ever since,
he is made flesh in all people. If many have moved away from the church,
it is precisely because the church has been a little alienated from humanity.
But a church that would feel as its own all that is human, and would wish to incarnate within itself the sorrow, hope and anguish of all who suffer and rejoice, that church would be Christ loved and awaited, Christ present.
And that depends on us."
Prayer of Herbert of Losinga
Bishop of Norwich, England (died 1119)
“Renascamur nato salvatori
et in novitate vitae ambulantes;
neglectis posterioribus,
amplecatamur anteriora;
herentes Christo,
manentes in Christo, fuientes Christo.”
Let us be born again into Christ our Savior
and walking in newness of life,
let us forget those things which are behind,
and reach forth unto those which are before;
cleaving to Christ
abiding in Christ, enjoying Christ.”

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