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Prayer for Justice and Peace in the Holy Lands

Salt + Light Media

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

1Prayer for Justice and Peace in the Holy Lands
Lord our God, author of life and giver of peace,
the tragic events unfolding in Iraq, Syria, Israel and Palestine pain us.
We know that violence is not conquered by violence.
We remember all those forced from their homes in Iraq.
We entrust to your loving kindness those who have lost everything in Gaza.
We commend to your mercy those who have suffered violence and death in Syria.
We ask your protection for the people of the land of Israel.
They are all our brothers and sisters and they depend on us.
Teach us to live in solidarity with all those who suffer.
Let justice and peace rain down upon your people
living in the land of Abraham and in all of the lands we call holy.
Together with us, Jews and Muslims also look to the person of Abraham
as a model of unconditional submission to the will of God.
Watch over those who have lost faith and hope.
Comfort the sick, the imprisoned and all who suffer.
Console those whom mourn the loss of loved ones.
Grant shelter to those who have lost their homes and lands.
Watch over the Church’s Pastors and the entire community
of believers who live in your lands.
In the Church we are all members of a single body,
all mutually necessary, because each has been given a grace
according to the measure of the gift of Christ, for the common good.
May Mary, the Mother of Jesus, help us to understand and live every day
the fraternity that springs up from the heart of her Son,
so as to bring peace to each person on this our beloved earth
especially in your own lands.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer inspired by St. John Paul II and Pope Francis
Photo credit: A displaced woman and child flee violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State in Sinjar, Iraq, Aug. 10.  (CNS photo/ Rodi Said, Reuters)

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