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Let there be (Salt) Light

Salt + Light Media

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Canadian daily newspaper The Toronto Star has published an article on Salt + Light Television in their business section.  See it below:
Let there be (Salt) Light
Ron Csillag Special to The Star
February 24, 2011
Call it the little network that could. Maybe with a divine nudge.
In the only-God-knows-how-many-channel universe, Canada’s first homegrown national Catholic television network is that rarity in broadcasting: a success story.
In the nearly seven years it has been on the air, Toronto-based Salt + Light Television has grown to 25 employees, with around-the-clock programming, original productions (37 in-house documentaries to date), a radio station, a Chinese division, a magazine, a website that streams the network to as many as 40 countries, and an annual budget of $3 million. There’s even a satellite office in Montreal.
It’s a far cry from the two-person operation in the cramped downtown Toronto office of World Youth Day that rebroadcast a lone signal from the Vatican.
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