This is how newly-consecrated Bishop Vincent Nguyen began his final remarks in Toronto’s St. Michael’s Cathedral. It was an apt description of the 43-year-old’s rapid rise as Canada’s youngest bishop, but it also characterizes his family's dramatic upheaval in Communist Vietnam.
As I alluded to earlier on the S+L blog, his great-grandfather was among 100,000 Catholics martyred for their faith. Generations later, a 16-year-old Vincent Nguyen fled the country by boat, eventually arriving in Canada as a refugee and fulfilling his call to the priesthood.
S+L interviewed Bishop Nguyen in the cathedral sacristy immediately after his Ordination Mass.
Bishop Vincent Nguyen, the first ever Asian-Canadian bishop, will assist Archbishop Thomas Collins as the auxiliary responsible for the Scarborough and Durham regions.
The Archdiocese was on the receiving end of its own curve ball, as it was inundated by filming and interview requests by nearly all major local and national news media, each sharing Bishop Nguyen’s positive story. (Watch the CBC's report on
The National.) Following some painful developments in 2009, the Canadian Church has begun the new year on a hopeful note.
S+L's live coverage on Wednesday was internet-only, we will televise the
Mass of Ordination this Sunday at 8:30 pm with repeat presentations Monday at 1:00 am and 7:30 am (all times ET). In the meantime, visit the Archdiocese of Toronto's special
ordination website for photos of the ordination, plus audio of Archbishop Thomas Collins' homily and Bishop Nguyen's final remarks.