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How can we stop gendercide, if we can't even discuss it?

Kris Dmytrenko

Monday, May 6, 2013

While pro-choice activists often describe their cause as a "settled question", a majority of Canadians remain decidedly unsettled by certain abortion practices. According to a 2011 poll, 92% of Canadians disapprove of sex-selective abortion, also known as female gendercide. And yet, as the Canadian Medical Association Journal has reported, it's happening right here in Canada.
While it seems most federal politicians would rather not discuss it, the issue is being brought to their doorstep. "End Female Gendercide" is the theme of this year's National March for Life, which begins on Parliament Hill on Thursday, May 9 at noon.
As pro-lifers prepare to March for Life, Perspectives: The Weekly Edition examines the issue with guests Dr. Moira McQueen from the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute, Peter D. Murphy from the Catholic Organization for Life and Family, and Rebecca Richmond from the National Campus Life Network.

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