As a press release says:
The 40 Days for Life campaign was organized to pray and fast to end abortion. In the past two years almost 900 children have been saved, two abortion facilities have closed and some abortion clinic employees have had a change of heart and become pro-life. In Canada and the United States over 170 cities took part in the event from September 24th through to November 2nd. In Ottawa we have successfully completed our first 40 Days for Life campaign by praying and fasting around the clock for 40 days/960 hours. This is the most successful pro-life initiative organized by the pro-life movement.
The rally, which is at 6pm at 65 Bank Street (Bank and Sparks), will feature addresses by the Archbishop of Ottawa, His Grace Terrence Prendergast, and Debbie Fisher from the post-abortive support group
Silent No More. A candlelight procession will then make it's way to St. Patrick’s Basilica for a closing Mass and reception.