Whether you call your Christmas nativity scene a creche, manger, putz, or szopka, displaying the nativity is a treasured Christian tradition. I recall our little manger; I'd spend hours meticulously trying to figure out how many sheep should stand next the ox and if baby Jesus had enough hay to sleep on. No doubt, you fondly recall your own traditions.
So in honour of the Creche tradition,
The Friends of the Creche are holding their International Convention in Toronto this week from November 10 to 12. This convention will feature exhibitors from all over the world. It is a wonderful opportunity to delight in the rich diversity of the Creche tradition. But don't take our word for it, go see for yourself.
the St. James Cathedral website to purchase tickets or to find out more. Continue past the jump for more photos of creches from around the world.
French Creche
Aboriginal Creche
Photo credit: St. James Cathedral Collection