Address by His Eminence Cardinal Andrea Yeum Soo-jung
Mass for Peace and Reconciliation
Myeong-dong Cathedral in Seoul
August 18, 2014
Holy Father, I wanted to thank you very much for visiting our country split in two, north and south and for praying for his peace by celebrating the Eucharist. Today is the last day of his visit to Korea. Soon after he finished this Mass will return to his home.
I am very happy to have you accompanied in these five days. Since his arrival he held a number of meetings and celebrations of the Eucharist. In each time showed the best aspect of the Church. For young Asians, in particular, has shown a Good Shepherd who accompanies them and walking beside them.
In Seoul beatified martyrs of our primitive, Paul Yun Ji-Chung and his companions a hundred and twenty. With this, the Korean Church has blessed addition to the one hundred and three hundred twenty-four new saints. I feel so out of me a most serious responsibility for evangelization.
Holy Father, I ask you to pray for us, that we are committed to achieve full peace in our country and the world. How You love us and our country, we love it. Thank you again and go in peace! Thank you!