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A Man After God’s Own Heart

David Naglieri

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Did you ever wonder about the significance of your name? You had no say in your parent’s decision but the name they gave you in many ways sets the tone for your future. Every time somebody says “Who are you?” it’s the first word out of your mouth. Your name is on every significant document you ever sign, and one day it will be on your tomb (sorry to be overly morbid).
On a recent trip home I stumbled across a book about my name and it left a deep impression on me. The book is David: When Only God’s Grace Will Do by Norman Archer, a Baptist Minister from Calgary.
I was struck by many aspects about David’s life and the lessons we can learn from him. He was a cocky kid who slew a Giant, a brilliant warrior who inspired ballads, but also an adulterer whose home life was a wreck. Here’s but one example: David’s son Amnar raped his own sister and he was then killed by his half-brother Absalom, who later rebelled against David and was himself killed. Did you follow that?
I think David would have made for a great guest on the Jenny Jones Show or Montel Williams. His plight would have graced the cover of every sleazy tabloid week after week. But what was it about him that made him (Using God’s Words) “A Man after God’s own Heart.”
I think it’s the fact that David never made excuses. He never bargained with God or dismissed the moral code. He fell and he repented. He knew he was weak and he cried to God for strength.
It is very common today to blame our sinful ways on anything but ourselves. It is the fault of our upbringing, our parents, our employer, or our enemies. You name it; people have used it to shift the blame from their own actions to others.
I think the greatest compliment one can receive is to be called “A man (or woman) after God’s own heart.” And it all begins with taking responsibility and having the courage to ask for forgiveness.

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