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7 more Catholic movies to watch

Marie Anne Torres

Friday, August 20, 2021

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Last year, I wrote an article about 7 must-see Catholic movies — faith-inspiring films perfect for a Friday or Saturday night.
However, I soon discovered there were still many wonderful Catholic movies out there that I hadn’t mentioned!
For that reason, it only felt right to compile a second list — there was no way I couldn’t share these other films! So, without further ado, here are 7 more wonderfully-made Catholic movies that deepen your faith while being great entertainment!
1. The Song of Bernadette
The Song of Bernadette is an old movie (1943), yet it’s a time-enduring favourite for many Catholics. After watching it, it’s clear to see why! It tells the powerful story of St. Bernadette, the girl to whom the Virgin Mary appeared in Lourdes. She’s a poor girl from a quiet town, and yet the Virgin chooses to reveal herself to this particular soul. For these apparitions, Bernadette endures persecution from her family, the government, and even from figures within the Church. Rest assured, the impact of this film goes far beyond the black-and-white imagery!
2. Karol: The Pope, The Man
This movie was briefly mentioned in the first article, but it’s worth highlighting again! It’s the sequel to Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, and in this movie, we follow the life and journey of Karol Wojtyla, but now as the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. The movie covers the early days of his papacy until his very last. It depicts all the moments he was most known for (such as unprecedented papal visits, founding World Youth Day, and forgiving the man who attempted to take his life), as well those quieter, lesser-known occurrences as well. This is an excellent movie if you’d like to more deeply discover Pope St. John Paul II!
3. The Prince of Egypt
While not specifically Catholic, this DreamWorks film is a must-see. It retells the story of Moses (adapted from the book of Exodus) from his childhood under the reigning pharaoh to freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, with stunning, award-winning animation and musical scores. I first enjoyed this kid-friendly motion picture as a child, but rest assured — whether you’re a kid or an adult, this film will inspire and impress.
4. The Letters 
Can’t get enough of St. Teresa of Kolkata (Mother Teresa)? Neither can I! And this superb movie offers another glimpse into who she was. The Letters tells the story of her life and mission through the perspective of the personal letters she wrote to her spiritual advisor. Throughout the movie, these letters are called into question during her canonization process, as her spiritual director, Fr. Van Exem, explains them more profoundly and recalls her journey.
5. St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor
St. Giuseppe Moscati: Doctor to the Poor is an Italian film (available with English subtitles) based on the sacrificial life of St. Giuseppe Moscati. It beautifully depicts how Moscati unwaveringly abandons everything — a life of comfort and riches, reputation, and even the woman he loves — to pursue his mission to care for the least and the last in society. Even when he is mocked and misunderstood, he still responds to his call with relentless love.
6. A Man for All Seasons 
Originally based on a play, A Man for All Seasons is an excellent film and provides a lasting tribute to St. Thomas More. When all of England’s elite abandon their convictions in order to allow King Henry VIII to break away from the Church and divorce/remarry as he chooses, Thomas, the Lord Chancellor, refuses to reject the authority of the pope and the Church’s teachings on marriage. For this, he loses his status, home, and respect and winds up imprisoned by those who stand with the king. In order to gain it all back, he only has to give in — but will he do it?
7. St. Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven
St. Philip Neri: I Prefer Heaven is a brilliant movie on all accounts. This film has quickly become one of my favourites, ever. Heartwarming, faith-inspiring, tear jerking, and comical at all the right moments, it has all the bells and whistles of a great Catholic movie! The Italian-language (subtitled in English) film features the life of St. Philip Neri and captures the joy, humour, and love he used to navigate the world and serve the poor, even amid trials and tests. Before you know it, you’ll also be saying (or singing) “I Prefer Heaven”!
Special Mention:
The Sound of Music
In the mood for a heartwarming movie that will also make you sing? Then The Sound of Music is for you! Based on a true story, this Academy Award-winning movie chronicles the life of Maria von Trapp, who enters the convent in hopes of becoming a nun. A little too free-spirited, she gets sent by the Mother Abbess to become a governess to the seven children of widowed Captain von Trapp. Maria wins the hearts of the children, and even Captain von Trapp, with her music and song, and let’s just say the rest is history — literally!
*All of these movies are available for rent or purchase on YouTube or through subscription-based streaming apps.

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