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Visit local pilgrimage sites this Jubilee Year

jeudi 30 janvier 2025

Maria Montemayor

For the Jubilee of Hope, there are designated local pilgrimage sites in every country, and Canada is no exception. How is a local pilgrimage site determined? The local bishop can designate any parish, shrine, or basilica in his territory as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage site. 

Creating Catholic streetwear

jeudi 9 janvier 2025

Maria Montemayor

Fashion and clothing designed to draw people closer to God can inspire and even sanctify others. Nate Nagello, the CEO and owner of the Toronto-based Sanctified Collective, hopes the clothing he creates can provide opportunities for conversation, engagement, and evangelization. 

When do you pray the Rosary?

mercredi 4 décembre 2024

Maria Montemayor

The Rosary is powerful: many graces can be bestowed upon those who pray it, and it can also offer special protection. Reciting the Rosary aloud in church and praying for the pope’s intentions can grant the supplicant a plenary indulgence.

What does it mean to be pro-life?

mardi 29 octobre 2024

Maria Montemayor

This month on Behold, we have a special Lives Lived for Life episode featuring the stories of various pro-life advocates and individuals.

Review of The Forge

jeudi 22 août 2024

Maria Montemayor

The movie is a testament to how a person’s life can transform in a year due to the power of prayer and the positive influence of a mentor.


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