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Becoming a Better Man in 90 Days

Salt + Light Media

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Image courtesy of Danielle Savard
This week, we learn about a challenging 90-day spiritual exercise for men that journeys through the book of Exodus. We introduce our new political segment, A Taste for the Common Good with Ben Boivin; Mark Matthews tells us what’s good (or not) with non-fungible tokens, and we meet Canadian singer/songwriter Danielle Savard.
Email us your comments, or find Deacon Pedro on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Full program:
This program is available thanks to the support of our generous donors. Thank you for your donation to keep the SLHour on the air.
More Information:
From Ben:
Find out more about John Milloy's Politics and Faith in a Polarized World: A Challenge for Catholics.
From Deacon Pedro:
Read more about how one man experienced the Exodus 90 program.

Check out all our SLHour podcasts! Click here.

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