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Making D.R.E.A.M.S. and Sarah Kroger has a new Album!

Salt + Light Hour

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Image courtesy of Sarah Kroger.
This week on the SLHour, we learn about the Dominican Republic Education and Medical Support mission experience; Danny has a Eucharistic tip for rearing rebels; Sr. Marie Paul Curley, FSP gives us the windows to the soul to a World War II film; and Sarah Kroger has a new album, A New Reality.
Email Deacon Pedro your comments, or find him on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
Full program:
This program is available thanks to the support of our generous donors. Thank you for your donation to keep the SLHour on the air.
More Information:
From Sr. Marie Paul:
Read more about the story of Irena Gut.
From Deacon Pedro:
To donate to St. Mary Catholic Secondary support the D.R.E.A.M.S. program. visit the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board. Make sure you assign your donation to St. Mary Catholic Secondary School and in the notes you can specify that it is for the D.R.E.A.M.S. program. To contact the school directly, go to  St. Mary Catholic Secondary School.
Read more about D.R.E.A.M.S and their anniversary: Celebrating 25 years of D.R.E.A.M.S. at St. Mary's
Check out Sarah Kroger's previous visits to the SLHour:
August 24, 2013
March 29, 2014
May 25, 2019
June 13, 2020
October 24, 2020 
May 1, 2021 (with Village Lights)
December 23, 2023
Check out all our SLHour podcasts! Click here.

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