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Magnifying Glass


Deacon Pedro takes a particular topic apart, not so much to explore or explain the subject to its fullness, but rather to provide insights that will deepen our understanding of the subject. And don’t worry, at the end of the day he always put the pieces back together. 

S2 E4 | Deacon-structing: Advent #Peace

As we approach Christmas and continue reflecting on the meaning of Advent, Deacon Pedro focuses on Mary, gives us suggestions on what we can do and offers a prayer, in this reflection for the fourth week of Advent.

S2 E3 | Deacon-structing: Advent #Joy

As we continue reflecting on the meaning of Advent, Deacon Pedro focuses on the character of Elizabeth, gives us suggestions on what we can do and offers a prayer, in this reflection for the third week of Advent.

S2 E2 | Deacon-structing: Advent #Voice

As we continue to prepare for Christmas and reflect on the meaning of Advent, Deacon Pedro focuses on John the Baptist, gives us suggestions on what we can do and offers a prayer, in this reflection for the second week of Advent.

S2 E1 | Deacon-structing: Advent #Light

As we prepare for Christmas and reflect on the meaning of Advent, Deacon Pedro focuses on the character of Zechariah, gives us suggestions on what we can do and offers a prayer, in this reflection for the first week of Advent.

E6 | Transubstantiation

Deacon Pedro explains the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and how the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.

E5 | Married Priesthood

Deacon Pedro explains why and how it is possible to have married priests in the Catholic Church.

E4 | Interfaith: Hinduism

Deacon Pedro explains  what the Catholic Church teaches about interfaith dialogue and learns the basics of Hinduism.

E3 | Conscience Rights

Deacon Pedro explains the importance of conscience rights and why the Church teaches that it is an inalienable right, particularly for doctors in the face of legalized assistance in dying.

E2 | Social Teaching: Migrants & Refugees

Deacon Pedro explains why the Church teaches that we should care for migrants and refugees.

E1 | Synods

Deacon Pedro explains how the Second Vatican Council could likely be the last Church council because the Church now has synods.



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