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類別: Featured, Lent and Easter, Saints and Blesseds

標籤: Archdiocese of Miami, cuba, Fr. Felix Varela, Venerable

Veneration of the Crown of Thorns during Lent


Aline Haddad

The Holy Crown of Thorns was returned to Notre-Dame de Paris after the rededication in December, restoring a beloved Lenten devotion.

Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for Lent 2025


Pope Francis

We begin our annual pilgrimage of Lent in faith and hope with the penitential rite of the imposition of ashes.

Pope’s General Audience – February 5, 2025


Pope Francis

In his Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis continued this cycle of catechesis on "Jesus Christ our Hope," as part of the Jubilee 2025. This week he reflected on the Magnificat, the Virgin Mary's Song of Praise after she is greeted by her cousin Elizabeth.

Visit local pilgrimage sites this Jubilee Year


Maria Montemayor

For the Jubilee of Hope, there are designated local pilgrimage sites in every country, and Canada is no exception. How is a local pilgrimage site determined? The local bishop can designate any parish, shrine, or basilica in his territory as a Jubilee Year pilgrimage site. 

Pope’s General Audience – January 29, 2025


Pope Francis

Reflecting on the vision given to St. Joseph in the Gospel of Matthew, Pope Francis said that "He dreams of the miracle that God fulfils in Mary’s life, and also the miracle that he works in his own life: to take on a fatherhood capable of guarding, protecting, and passing on a material and spiritual inheritance."


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