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《愛‧福傳》於羅馬贏得Mirabile Dictu國際天主教電影節獎項



榮獲第十屆「Mirabile Dictu 國際天主教電影節」福音電影獎
Capax Dei Foundation Award for Evangelization

2019年11月28日(星期四),香港音樂劇電影《愛‧福傳-香港第一位聖人聖福若瑟神父傳》於意大利羅馬舉行的第十屆「Mirabile Dictu 國際天主教電影節」上榮獲福音電影獎。在這個被譽為「天主教奧斯卡」的競賽中,該獎項是頒發給在今年所有決賽電影中最重要的天主教主題,而去年得主為羅馬主場(Rome Reports)製作的《本篤十六世:信守真理》(Benedict XVI, in honor of the truth)。
《愛‧福傳》代表團向教廷文化部部長拉瓦西樞機、英國影星Rupert Wynne-James、來自世界各國的電影製作人以及各大媒體直接介紹《愛‧福傳》的製作過程及感想,引起他們對華語福傳電影的興趣,成功為中國天主教電影史上做了一次重要的嘗試。
音樂總監鄭汝森博士(右)和演員黃其幹先生(左)把《愛‧福傳》訊息帶到梵蒂岡 。


【Hong Kong's musical “St. Joseph Freinademetz” Won Big at Catholic’s Oscar】
The film received Capax Dei Foundation Award for Evangelization
at the 10th Mirabile Dictu International Catholic Film Festival

Hong Kong’s musical film “St. Joseph Freinademetz: The First Saint to Ever Serve in Hong Kong” received the Capax Dei Foundation Award for Evangelization at Mirabile Dictu International Festival, the Catholic equivalent of the Academy Awards, in Rome, Italy on Thursday. This award is for the most significant Catholic subject among all the Films in this year’s final competition. Last year’s recipient of this award was documentary “Benedict XVI, in honor of the truth” by Rome Reports.
Fr. Jude Raymund Festin SVD and Fr. José Nicolás Espinosa SVD, representatives of SVD Curia in Rome, Ms. Lai-Nor Ngan, the musical’s director, and various crew members attended the event held in Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Resort. “Thanks God!” said Director Ngan after she received the “Silver Fish” award from the president of the film festival on the stage.
The film’s delegation was honored to meet Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, British Movie Star Rupert Wynne-James, various film producers from all over the world, as well as major media outlets to introduce our film’s objectives. Interest in Chinese, evangelistic films has most certainly increased. The film successfully contributed to the history of Catholic films of China.
The festival received more than 1,500 movies this year, but there were only 12 titles vying for the “Silver Fish,” a sculpture that recalls the first Christian symbol. “St. Joseph Freinademetz” was also nominated for the Best Film, and the award was given to Austria’s “Otto Neururer, Hope Through Darkness.”





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