This program is available thanks to the support of our generous donors. Thank you for your donation to keep the SLHour on the air.More Information: From Jermaine: Check out Matthew Paul Turner's When God Made You and see the beautiful cover illustration by David Catrow, and also, Grant Cardone's The 10X Rule. From Damien: Check out the Knights of Columbus' Into the Breach series. From Deacon Pedro: Learn more about (and watch) Dysconnected: The Real Story of the Transgender Explosion.
The Holy Crown of Thorns was returned to Notre-Dame de Paris after the rededication in December, restoring a beloved Lenten devotion.
In this month of March, Pope Francis invites us to pray for families who find themselves in crisis: That broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
How can the experience of parenting give us a sense of God's compassionate, patient, and merciful presence with us?
Priest, educator, and legendary hockey coach. Fr. David Bauer's impact on Canada's sports and culture history is unmistakable.
At the Manresa Spiritual Renewal Centre in Pickering, ON, retreatants of all ages can encounter a God of surprises.