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Praying for peace

Cheridan Sanders

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What's the difference between saying, 'We come to pray together' and 'We come together to pray'? What is the difference between proselytizing, evangelizing and dialogue? Do these actions mutually exclude each other? These are some of the questions most people have when it comes to interfaith dialogue. It quickly becomes about fine distinctions and nuanced arguments, which can lead some people to feel a little out of their depth. But we're called to be "pilgrims of peace, pilgrims of truth", so the imperative to learn remains.
This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, join Pedro Guevara Mann as he speaks with Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl, Senior Rabbi of Beth Tzedec Congregation, Rev. Dr. Karen A. Hamilton, General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches and Rev. Damian MacPherson, SA, director of the Office of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs of the Archdiocese of Toronto, to unravel and clarify the topic of interfaith dialogue.
Join us for this discussion this Friday on Perspectives Weekly at 7 and 11pm ET / 8pm PT. In the meantime, take part in the discussion on Facebook.
Credit: CNS photo

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