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Don't ever use science to prove your faith...but don't fear science either

Sebastian Gomes

Friday, December 9, 2016

Subject Matters: “Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science”
Stacy Trasancos, Author
Sunday, December 11 at 8:30pmET / 5:30pm PT
This Sunday’s all-new episode of Subject Matters features scientist and theologian Stacy Trasancos. Her book, Particles of Faith: A Catholic Guide to Navigating Science is a practical guide for engaging questions relating to faith and science in a reasonable and effective way. The book is published by Ave Maria Press. Stacy looks at very practical questions like creation and evolution, topics that many people of faith are curious about today. As a scientist, Stacy is confident that there is no conflict between faith and science as long as you understand what they mean and what they do. Science explains as best it can how the natural world works, but it can't answer the theological question of why it works and what it means. Know the limits of scientific analysis.
Stacy holds a PhD in Chemistry from Penn State University and an MA in Dogmatic Theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. She teaches Chemistry and Physics through the Kolbe Academy Online Homeschool Program, and courses on the relationship between science and theology at Holy Apostles and Seton Hall University. She lives with her husband and their children in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State.
Ahead of Sunday's premiere, check out "My Take":
(Stacy at Ben McNally Books in Toronto filming Subject Matters)
“As it turns out, the air of grace lifted me so I could see a larger landscape of reality, family, purpose, love, and of course, science. Granting assent to the articles of faith was the most intellectually satisfying leap I ever dared to take as a scientist and, more importantly, as a person.”
Particles of Faith, p.28

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