It was presented by Fr. Leonardo Rodriguez, National Director for the Pontifical Mission Societies of Uruguay. Afterwards I asked him what the point was.“When a people suffers, the whole Body suffers”
Gathered at the 5th Missionary Congress of the Americas, in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia, under the theme, “America on a mission; the Gospel is joy”, we hear the cry of the most vulnerable in our continent. We are moved to the extreme by the pain caused by the violence, persecution, and exploitation that cuts down our brothers and sisters. During these days of prayer, reflection, and celebrating our Faith, we make our own, the pain of each brother and sister; we express our solidarity with and proximity to the families and communities that mourn their dead; and we pray to our Heavenly Father to grant them consolation and strength in the Faith. America on a mission; the Gospel is joy; joy and justice; joy and truth; joy and respect for the rights of all. In the name of Jesus, we reject all violent action and we make a radical call to those responsible, especially to those who govern each nation, to commit themselves to living and proposing an authentic culture of defending and promoting life and the common good, truth, justice, and peace. Today, more than ever, we understand that the mission of the Church has to walk in the ways of encounter, of listening, of dialogue, of forgiveness and reconciliation. We invite especially all communicators to be protagonists of the deep transformation of hearts, as they are bearers of the truth that is integrally found in facts. At this time, we hurt for Venezuela, we hurt for Nicaragua, we hurt for Haiti, and we hurt for the deaths in Honduras caused by gang violence. We hurt because of the situation of migrants who, looking for safety and security, end up experiencing the absurd and unjust separation of families at the borders of countries like the United States and Mexico. Among other situations that we recognize as painful and sad, we hurt because of the indifference and the silence that result in the condemnation of those who are most poor and defenseless in each of our nations. Brother and sister delegates; brothers and sisters of all the Churches of the Americas; “Blessed are those who work for peace, for they shall be called children of God.” May prayer, forgiveness, and sincere friendship strengthen our common vocation with all men and women of good will, to be builders of peace, proclaiming with courage and coherence life, truth, and justice, which are the rights of all human beings. Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of all the people of the Americas, at your feet we place our sincere commitment in this heartbreaking search for peace. Pray for us to your Son, our Lord, who by his death and resurrection, triumphs over death and sin in order to grant us the fullness of Life.National Directors Pontifical Mission Societies of the Americas Santa Cruz de la Sierra, July 12, 2018
The Holy Crown of Thorns was returned to Notre-Dame de Paris after the rededication in December, restoring a beloved Lenten devotion.
In this month of March, Pope Francis invites us to pray for families who find themselves in crisis: That broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
How can the experience of parenting give us a sense of God's compassionate, patient, and merciful presence with us?
Priest, educator, and legendary hockey coach. Fr. David Bauer's impact on Canada's sports and culture history is unmistakable.
At the Manresa Spiritual Renewal Centre in Pickering, ON, retreatants of all ages can encounter a God of surprises.