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Cultivating and Caring for Creation: Who Is in Greatest Peril?

Salt + Light Media

Sunday, June 7, 2015

In preparation for Pope Francis’ new ecological encyclical set to come out June 18, 2015, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon, led by Bishop Donald Bolen, have released a series of videos and study guides on how Catholics are leading and participating in a new commitment to respect and protect.
The series is based on a recent CCCB document on the environment and it includes 12 programs 10 minutes each, featuring interviews with Bishop Donald Bolen. The segments interweave papal teaching on the environment with interviews or presentations of various environmental initiatives that have integrated a healthy relationship with the environment into their Christian commitment and lifestyle.
See below for the study guide and video for Program Two: Who Is in Greatest Peril.

Study Guide

The goal of Program Two is to the interrelationship between eco justice and social justice teachings of the Church, asking students to examine who is in greatest need as result of the environmental crisis.
1. Show the video "Program Two: Who Is in Greatest Peril?"
2. Ask students to form small groups to describe the following impressions from the video:
  • Who are most affected by the environmental crisis?
  • Who is trying to improve the situation and how?
  • What did you know after viewing the video that you didn't know before?
  • Which quote from what pope in this episode means the most to you and why?
3. Option for Take-Home Assignment. Using the internet links offered here, find more facts about:
  • Existing Catholic eco justice initiatives
  • The writings of Popes on the environment
4. Write 1.5 pages on the results of your research.
5. Group discussion
In groups, first share your short essays and then, asking one person to represent the discussion, make presentations to the class about any or all of the above.
Include suggestions on how students could start an ongoing eco justice project or become involved with local Catholic eco justice projects already in existence.

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