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CCCB Plenary Assembly on Salt + Light

Andrew Santos

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Salt + Light Television, in partnership with the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB), is pleased to bring you the CCCB's annual Plenary Assembly from September 24-28. This year, the event is taking place in Sainte-Adèle, Quebec, which is north of Montreal and in the Diocese of Saint-Jérôme.
The nearly 80 bishops who are expected to attend will give a special welcome to His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of Kiev-Halych (Ukraine) and primate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Archbishop Shevchuk is visiting Canada to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop in Canada, the Blessed Nykyta Budka, who later died a martyr in Siberia. Three other important events will also be highlighted during the 2012 CCCB Plenary: the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, the canonization of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha on October 21, and the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization that will take place in Rome during October.
As well as reviewing pastoral initiatives and receiving annual reports, the bishops will have the opportunity to share their experiences and insights on the life of the Church and society. Annual reports will be presented by the Conference’s national and sectoral commissions and its standing committees, as well as by a number of organizations, including the Canadian Catholic Aboriginal Council. To help the bishops in their reflections, the Episcopal Commission for Justice and Peace will lead a session on the pastoral understanding of the economic crisis.
This year again, the annual report by the CCCB President and daily Mass will be broadcast via our live stream and on television. Salt + Light will also broadcast a daily press briefing. The broadcast schedule for the Plenary Assembly is listed below.
Monday, September 24
9:00am - Opening Mass
10:15am - Opening Prayer and CCCB President's Report by Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton
5:15pm - Press briefing of the first day
7:00pm - Perspectives Daily
Tuesday, September 25
7:30am ET Morning Prayer and Mass
5:15pm ET - Press briefing of the second day
7:00pm ET - Perspectives Daily
Wednesday, September 26
7:30am ET - Morning Prayer and Mass
5:45pm ET - Press briefing of the third day
7:00pm ET - Perspectives Daily
Thursday, September 27
7:00am ET - Celebration of the Divine Liturgy to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the arrival of the first Ukrainian Catholic Bishop in Canada
4:45pm ET - Press briefing of the fourth day
7:00pm ET - Perspectives Daily
Friday, September 28
7:30am ET - Morning Prayer and Mass
12:00pm ET - Press briefing of the fifth and last day of the Plenary
Please note that broadcast times are subject to change.

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