Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Journey from the Desert to the Empty Tomb with Fr. Michael Eades. Starting on Ash Wednesday and continuing every Sunday of Lent, he will be sharing his Lenten insights for you to reflect on this season.
The Empty Tomb | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Who will roll away the stone for us? That's what the women asked as they were going to the tomb on Easter Sunday morning.
Sixth week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Why did our Lord want to celebrate the Passover right before he died? And why did he institute the Holy Eucharist? The Lord wants to feed us with himself.
Fifth week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Our Lord's own life is like a grain of wheat. If a grain of wheat dies, it bears much fruit.
Fourth week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
When is it that we come to the light? Baptism. Baptism is where we meet Christ.
Third week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
During Lent, we are trying to enter into the sufferings of Christ. But we have to remember that this death of Christ is not far from us.
Second week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Peter, John, and James went up the high mountain with our Lord to do what? To pray. That is what our Lord was doing when they went up the Mount of Transfiguration.
First week of Lent | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Why did Judas betray Jesus? Well, the fact that he ate the morsel gives us one clue.
Ash Wednesday | Lenten Insights: From the Desert to the Empty Tomb
Why does our Lord, at the beginning of Lent, want us to pray, fast, and give alms? Because these three activities are the expression of an interior penance.