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A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust

Pope Pius XII guided the Catholic Church through two tumultuous decades, firmly establishing himself as a champion of peace and the moral voice of a world torn apart by war. However, shortly after his death in 1958, his heroic legacy has been called into question by some historians. In 2010, A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust received an award at Magnificat, an international Catholic festival of Christian films and TV programs.
A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust

Trailer | A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust

Pope Pius XII guided the Catholic Church through two tumultuous decades, firmly establishing himself as a champion of peace and the moral voice of a world torn apart by war. However, shortly after his death in 1958, his heroic legacy has been called into question by some historians. In 2010, A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust received an award at Magnificat, an international Catholic festival of Christian films and TV programs.


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