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Yes, Lord! A Children's Liturgy of the Word

Yes, Lord! A Children's Liturgy of the Word

Easter | Yes, Lord! Minis

Jesus is alive! Spread the Good News to everyone this Easter season.

S1 E6 | Into Jerusalem (Year B)

Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and the crowd greets him with palm branches as they cry out, “Hosanna!” Activity of the Week: Try to follow along the Easter Sunday mass and celebrations.

S1 E5 | The Grain of Wheat (Year B)

"God reveals His glory and promise for His people through Jesus’ sacrifice. Activity of the Week: Do something nice for or with someone you love - but something that they want to do instead of something you want to do."

S1 E4 | God Loved the World So Much (Year B)

God shows us how much He loves us by giving up His only begotten Son, Jesus. Activity of the Week: Do something together with someone you love.

S1 E3 | Cleansing the Temple (Year B)

Jesus cleanses the temple and tells people to make room for God. Activity of the Week: What does your special place look like? Does it need some tidying up? Find simple ways you can make it beautiful for God.

S1 E2 | Up the Mountain (Year B)

Jesus goes up the mountain with his friends and they encounter God as Jesus connects with Old Testament prophets. Activity of the Week: When you spend 10 mins with God every day, read a story from the Bible.

S1 E1 | Into the Desert (Year B)

Jesus spends 40 days in the desert and helps us overcome temptations as we prepare for our Easter mission. Activity of the Week: Find a place where you can spend time with God every day. While you’re there with God, tell God if you’ve had any temptations and ask him to help you do better.

Lent | Yes, Lord! Minis

Deacon Pedro and Mr. Monk invite us to enter into a season of Lent with hearts open to fasting, doing good works and prayer, waiting, as the days get longer and longer, for Easter Sunday.

Trailer | Yes, Lord!


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