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Yes, Lord! A Children's Liturgy of the Word

Join us on Friday afternoons for a kid-friendly approach to the Sunday Mass readings and homily. Whether you are worshipping at home or just looking for a way to boost your family’s life of faith, you won’t want to miss this brand new series!
Yes, Lord! A Children's Liturgy of the Word

S2 E7 | You Are Beloved!

You Are Beloved! | Yes, Lord! Baptism Let’s gather by the Jordan River for the Baptism of our Lord Jesus! Activity of the Week: Find out the date of your baptism and look through photos from the special day.

S2 E6 | Oh Come, Let Us Adore!

O Come let us adore Him! Open your treasures and offer your gifts to the Christ Child! Activity of the Week: Spend some time adoring Jesus this weekend.

BONUS | Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

BONUS | Feast of the Holy Family

S2 E5 | Jesus is Born!

Merry Christmas! Look up at the sky and follow the star to the newborn King! Activity of the Week: What does your nativity or manger scene look like?

S2 E2 | Prepare the Way!

Prepare your hearts and make straight your paths for the coming of Christ Jesus! Activity of the Week: Write down what you are going to say to Jesus when He comes.

S2 E1 | Be Vigilant!

Join us as we await the newborn King this Advent! Activity of the Week: Draw what it will look like when Jesus comes to be with you.

Yes, Lord! Season 2 Trailer

Jesus is coming! Let's prepare our hearts this Advent season as we journey towards Bethlehem. From the highest mountain to the lowest valley, let's look for Jesus wherever we go. With new songs, prayers, and activities, say "Yes, Lord!" with Jesus and His friends.


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