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Historia Vitae

Travel to museums, shrines, and historic sites around the world and discover the treasures of our faith. From saints and relics to miracles and never-before-told stories, this new documentary series brings the history of our Church to life.
Historia Vitae

E9 | Solanus Casey Center

Blessed Solanus Casey: the humble doorkeeper who has inspired so many to live lives of simplicity and love of neighbour. Learn more about his life and ministry at the Solanus Casey Center in Detroit.

E8 | Cultural Centre of the Ursuline Monastery of Quebec

A widowed mother who became a religious sister and founded the first school for girls in North America. Learn about Marie of the Incarnation, and the legacy she left behind in education, arts, and, culture, featuring the Cultural Centre of the Ursuline Monastery of Quebec.

E7 | St. Joseph's Oratory

A humble doorkeeper who healed millions of people that flocked to meet him. A shrine dedicated to St. Joseph, the patron saint of the universal church. Discover how faith moved this mountain, featuring the Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal.

E6 | Ireland's International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine

Did you know there was a Marian apparition in Ireland? In the 19th Century, a small village in County Mayo witnessed a silent apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Learn more about the beauty and mystery of Knock Shrine.

E5 | Martyrs' Shrine and Sainte-Marie among the Hurons

Two different groups, each with their own unique culture, story, and faith, co-existing on common ground. Learn about the impact of the Jesuit Missions on the Wendat people, and how their legacies live on today, featuring two historical sites: Martyrs' Shrine and Sainte-Marie among the Hurons.

E4 | Museo Casa Don Bosco

St. John Bosco was a man who dedicated his life to guiding the youth to holiness. Encounter the place where Salesian spirituality was born. Visit the historical sites that were pivotal to St. John Bosco and discover your own path to holiness.

E3 | Museum of the Bible

A book centuries old that teaches us about love, life, sacrifice, and everything in between. Engage in the transformative power of the Holy Bible. Learn about how it was inspired, written, collected, and translated throughout thousands of years around the world, here in Museum of the Bible.

E2 | The Museum of Family Prayer

“A family that prays together, stays together.” Dig deeper into the worldwide impact Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton had on family prayer and the rosary in the Museum of Family Prayer.

E1 | The National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

A woman in love. A widowed wife. A convert to the Catholic faith. Learn about the life and legacy of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton against the backdrop of the beautiful and expansive National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Trailer | Historia Vitae


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