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Knights of Columbus 142nd Supreme Convention

Knights of Columbus 142nd Supreme Convention

Opening Mass | 142nd Supreme Convention

Dozens of cardinals, bishops, and priests gather for Mass together, celebrated by the Archbishop of Quebec, for the 142nd Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus in Quebec City.

Opening Business Session and Supreme Knight's Report | 142nd Supreme Convention

States Dinner and Delegate Caucus | 142nd Supreme Convention

A procession with the state flags and dinner.

Supreme Convention Mass | 142nd Supreme Convention

A special votive Mass in honour of St. Anne and St. Joachim presided over by Cardinal Orlando Quevedo with Cardinal Thomas Collins.

Memorial Mass | 142nd Supreme Convention

Interview with Deputy Supreme Knight, Arthur Peters

Interview with Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix

Bilingual (French and English) interview with Cardinal Gérald Cyprien Lacroix.

Interview with Szymon Czyszek, Director of International Growth in Europe

Interview with Bishop Bryan Bayda, Ukrainian Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada

Interview with Jeanne Mancini, President, March for Life

Interview with Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly

Interview with Supreme Chaplain, Archbishop William Lori

Interview with the Ampe family, Family of the Year

Interview with Former Board Member, Graydon Nicholas

Interview with Quebec State Deputy, Charles Landry

Interview with Ontario State Deputy, Bruce Poulin

Columbus Commons Tour

Sally Yasmine takes a tour of the Columbus Commons during the 142nd Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus and learns about KofC merchandise and a new initiative to provide beds for children in need.


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