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On October 3, 2020, in the chapel of the tomb of Saint Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis signed his latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti. Written in eight chapters, the encyclical seeks to underline what it means in concrete terms to recognize the intrinsic dignity of every human person. The pope uses the parable of the Good Samaritan as a model for all of our social relationships. This encyclical, which is described as a social encyclical, deals with many topics, including the common good and democracy as well as the vocation of the politician, the need for a culture of dialogue and reconciliation, and the role of the great religions in our globalized world.

Join Salt + Light Media as we explore Fratelli Tutti, a document dedicated to fraternity and social friendship.

EP 3. Called to Fraternity: Conversations on Fratelli Tutti, Part 3

Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann continues the conversation on Fratelli Tutti with Luke Stocking of Development and Peace-Caritas, Canada; Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj, Consultor for the Synod of Bishops; Fr. Stan Chu Ilo, Professor at DePaul University; and Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE.

EP 2. Called to Fraternity: Conversations on Fratelli Tutti, Part 2

In this second edition of Called to Fraternity, Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann speaks with Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto; Carolyn Woo, retired President of Catholic Relief Services; and Marie Claude Lalonde, National Director of Aid to the Church in Need, about many of the themes of Fratelli Tutti.

EP 1. Called to Fraternity: Conversations on Fratelli Tutti, Part 1

In this first edition, Francis Denis speaks with Cardinal Gerald Cyprien Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec and with Josianne Gauthier, Secretary General of CIDSE about the pope's new Encyclical.



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