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Étiquettes : Ben Apolinar

What’s Catholic in Houston?

samedi 19 juillet 2014

Salt + Light Media

As we continue our summer editions with the best of the SLHour, we rebroadcast a program that we taped at the downtown Chancery building of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston in Texas for a show recorded thanks to their Archdiocesan Radio Ministry. We learn about the University of St. Thomas, meet Catholic environmentalist, Sr. Damien Marie […]

SLHour from Houston, Texas

samedi 10 mai 2014

Salt + Light Media

This week on a special SLHour, we come to you from the downtown Chancery building of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston  in Texas in a show recorded thanks to their Archdiocesan Radio Ministry. We learn about the University of St. Thomas,  meet Catholic environmentalist, Sr. Damien Marie Savino, FSE, and speak with Texan singer/songwriter Ben Apolinar. […]

August 6, 2001

samedi 6 août 2011

Salt + Light Media

[singlepic id=104 w=150 h=152 float=right] This week on the Summer Edition of SLRadio, David Howie of the St. Peter’s Seminary Foundation explains to us who pays for men to attend the Seminary and a featured chat with actor/director Leonardo DeFilippis, director of the Film Thérèse. Our two featured artists are Danielle Rose and Ben Apolinar.


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