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E16 | 李梁潤琼 澳門世界文化遺產 專業導賞員

從一個家庭主婦到澳門業內眾所周知的澳門世界文化遺產專業導賞員,李梁潤琼在服務中發現自己的長處,從而激發她對澳門天主教文化遺產正確歷史資料的傳承,更找到了自己的使命。 From a housewife to a well-known Specialist Guide for World Heritage Sites of Macao, Anna Leong discovers her talents while serving others. This has inspired her to cherish, preserve and transmit the correct historical materials pertaining to the Catholic cultural heritage of Macau, thus, finding her own mission.

E15 | 葉永強 鮑青網行政總監

慈幼學校的寄宿生活是葉永強人生的蛻變時期,為青年時期的他提供了應有的愛與尊重。他更從中接受了天主教信仰,實踐如何奉獻生活去服務及關懷弱小,特別是透過鮑思高青年服務網絡去服務年青人,兌現自己對天主的承諾。 The boarding life in the Instituto Salesiano is a period of transformation in Vincent's life, providing him with the love and respect he should have as a youth. He also received the Catholic faith from this experience, and learnt to devote his life to serve and care for others, especially through his role at the Bosco Youth Service Network, and thus fulfil his promise to God.

E14 | 葉家祺 檔案文物保育

從小已對歷史文物感興趣的葉家祺在本科畢業後,攻讀了三年的宗教研究碩士,從研究中他意識到歷史與文物的重要性。縱使教區歷史檔案及文物處看似是一個沈默的部門,但其工作最大的魅力所在就是所有歷史文物都是很好的見證。透過聆聽和了解,在靜默中也有很多信息,萬事萬物皆有天主的臨在。 Keith has been interested in historical relics since childhood. After his undergraduate degree, Keith further pursued a Master Degree in Religious Studies from which he realized the importance of the conservation of historical archives and cultural relics. Even though The Diocesan Office of Historical Archives and Patrimony may seem to be a silent department, by “listening” to these cultural relics, a lot of information could also be discovered in the silence. One can find God in all things.

E13 | 劉玫瑰 不一樣的母親

作為一個自閉症孩子的母親,每年的母親節都對這一位不一樣的母親意義重大。正正是這份母親的愛與堅毅,啟發了劉玫瑰創立澳門弱智人士家長協進會,用生命照亮生命,幫助更多其他有需要的家庭,不枉此生。 As a mother of a child with autism, every Mother's Day is of great significance to this special mother. It is precisely this mother's love and perseverance that inspired Rose Lau to establish a local association of parents with children who have intellectual disabilities, in order to illuminate and help the other families in need.

E11 | 伍星洪 嚶鳴合唱團指揮

伍星洪自幼醉心於古典音樂。在陸毅神父的薰陶下領洗成為教友並加入聖奧思定堂歌詠團。後來更加入區師達神父的複音合唱團,並被其音樂才華深深的觸動,為他以後創立複民合唱團和嚶鳴合唱團奠下了根基。伍星洪有著對澳門本土古典音樂與天主教聖樂承傳的使命感。 João Ng has loved classical music since childhood. Under the influence of Father Luis Suárez, he was baptised and joined the St. Augustine Church’s choir. He later joined the Grupo Coral Polifónico of Fr Áureo Castro, and was deeply touched by his musical talents, which laid the foundation for his establishment of Folkman Choir and Perosi Choir. João has a sense of mission in the heritage of Macau’s native classical music and Catholic sacred music.

E10 | 張潔玲 利瑪竇中學顧問

張潔玲一家自小已受到天主教會、神父和修女們的恩惠。她更從70年代就開始在利瑪竇中學服務,跟隨著耶穌會明勵志神父。在不知不覺中,張潔玲從明神父身上學習了以依納爵教育方式去關愛、陪伴和對待身邊的人事物。五十年已過,張潔玲現今還在耶穌會的不同團體中服務,守護和傳承著這份愛。 Rosa Cheong’s family has benefited from the help of the Catholic Church, priests and nuns since childhood. After her graduation in the 1970s, she joined the Colégio Mateus Ricci and followed the footsteps of Father Luigi Minella, where she learnt to care, accompany and treat others in the spirit of the Ignatian Pedagogy. Fifty years have passed, Rosa is still serving in the different Jesuits communities, guarding and passing on this love.

E9 | 黎彩燕 善牧中心主任

在善牧中心服務了30年的黎彩燕,回望過去的歲月,發現她自身的社工服務價值原來一直都跟善牧會修女們的很相似。所以,當黎彩燕在2019年領洗時,也特別選了善牧會會祖聖于法西亞Euphrasia為聖名,為效法善牧會會祖成為「愛的使徒」,將愛延續。 Debbie Lai has served in the Good Shepherd Center for 30 years. Looking back to the past, Debbie finds that her own social work service value has always been very similar to that of the Good Shepherd Sisters. So when Debbie was baptized in 2019, she chose the baptismal name of Euphrasia, the name of their foundress, in hope of imitating her to become the “Apostle of Love.”

E8 | 歐陽少強 平凡中的奉獻

人稱「九澳歐叔」的歐陽少強雖然在亂戰時期出生,沒機會讀書或做過什麼巨大的成就,但歐叔就這樣利用他這卑微、平凡的一生,默默地在生活中為鄉下的家人、為胡子義神父、為九澳聖母村奉獻了幾十年的光陰,直到現在。 Known as Ká Hó’s “Uncle Ou”, although he was born during the war and had no chance to study or to do any great achievements, Uncle Ou just uses his humble and ordinary life to tirelessly contribute to his family, to Father Gaetano Nicosia and to Ká Hó St Mary’s Lepers Village.

E7 | 高卓林 《晨曦》週刊

高卓林在主教公署從事《晨曦》週刊工作三十八年,見證了《晨曦》週刊在澳門教區將近四十載的中文媒體工作,包括自1978年當時業內領導當前的中文打字機印刷技術。回望過去的歲月,高卓林感到一份充實和感恩。 Kou Cheok Lam has worked for the Aurora Newsletter at the Bishop’s Office for 38 years. He has witnessed Aurora's growth in the Macau Diocese as well as the development of the Chinese media industry for nearly 40 years, including the use of the Chinese typewriter back in 1978 that was a pioneer in the industry. Looking back to the past, Kou Cheok Lam has a heart full of gratefulness and thanksgiving.

E6 | 何嫣芳 以愛還愛

小時候受到胡子義神父無私奉獻的影響,何嫣芳捨棄了國際酒店集團高薪厚職的工作,成立了自己的人力資源公司,透過專業和信仰,極力在生活中回饋社會。以愛主愛人的態度,延續聖經和前人的教導,在生活中活出基督。 Jacinta Ho, who was greatly influenced by the selfless examples of Fr Gaetano Nicosia since childhood, continues to live out this charitable mission in her professional and daily life.

E5 | Armindo Vaz ​居澳廿載的葡人家庭

葡國人Armindo Vaz與家人在澳門已居住了超過二十多年。他們不僅是一個虔誠的天主教家庭,還熱心地參與澳門葡人童軍和澳門葡人之家,積極為本地社區服務。一家人在生活中活出天主教信仰。 Originated from Portugal, Armindo Vaz and his family have lived in Macao for over 20 years. A fervent Catholic himself, Armindo and his family devote their time to serve at the local communities, living out the Catholic faith together as a family.

E4 | 蔡傳興老師 ​澳門書法家

對澳門書法家蔡傳興老師來說,書法是一種生活、是傳統的文化。就如信仰一樣,書法需要「修」出來,靈修同樣如是。蔡傳興老師的書法、信仰、人生。 For Macau’s renown calligrapher, Master Choi Chun Heng, calligraphy is a kind of life and traditional culture. Just like faith, calligraphy needs to be cultivated. Here is Master Choi Chun Heng’s sharing on calligraphy, faith and life.

E3 | 梁偉泉 公教攝影師

梁偉泉退休後奉獻時間和攝影專長,利用鏡頭來捕捉及展現天主不一樣的美和善,讓更多人可以透過照片接觸到天主的真善美。梁偉泉在退休生活中全身投入服務教會,實踐作為天主教友的使命。 After retirement, Ivan dedicated his time and photographic expertise in capturing the beauty of God through his camera, so that more people can come into contact with the truth, goodness and beauty of God through his photographs. Ivan lives out his mission as a Catholic through his dedication to serving the Church in his retirement life.

E2 | 歐嘉努 Carlos Cabral 土生葡人廚師

Carlos Cabral歐嘉努從烹飪興趣與土生葡人的天主教傳統中了解到文化傳承的重要性,並在生活中珍惜、守護和傳承這四百多年的文化歷史。 Carlos Cabral learnt the importance of cultural heritage through his passion in Macanese cuisine and the rich Catholic tradition in Macau. He cherishes, preserves and transmits these four hundred years of local cultural history in his daily life.

E1|馮露明 主教之裁縫

馮露明一生奉獻了天主賞賜給她的「塔冷通」 在教會團體中為無數的人——包括三位主教——縫製衣裳 。然而,天主原來早已利用她這無私的奉獻為她「度身訂造」了最貼身的人生信仰旅程。 馮露明的信仰人生是確確實實的 「天衣無縫」。 Maria has devoted her entire life using her God-given talents to sew for countless people, including three bishops of Macau. Through her selfless dedication, God has also tailor-made for her the most fitted seamless faith journey.

《生活的見證》2022.11.27 隆重上架

由澳門天主教文化協會製作,一共16集的《生活的見證》短片系列希望以故事形式道出澳門教友真實的基督徒生活,透過他們在生活中的見證與奉獻,讓觀衆體驗澳門本土之天主教文化。【廣東話節目,所有短片均配有中英文字幕】 由2022年11月27日起,每星期兩集,《鹽與光》串流播放平台 Salt + Light Plus 播放。立即免費訂閱收看


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