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Don’t miss out on 'Youth Alive'!

Julian Paparella

Friday, January 14, 2022

Watch Salt + Light Media's newest documentary, Youth Alive, by clicking on the video above. Alternatively, you can find it on this webpage.

“Christ is alive and He wants you to be alive!” This is the dream of Pope Francis for young people and for the entire Church!
When was the last time that you watched something inspiring about young people in the Church? In a day and age when young people may seem far from Church, Youth Alive showcases how young people bring the Church to life!
So how do young people give life to the Church, and how does the Church give life to young people? This is the question that we set out to answer as we filmed Salt + Light Media’s uplifting new documentary Youth Alive.
As I interviewed and interacted with young people in the Church today, I was inspired by their joyful enthusiasm and the fire of faith that burns within them! Young people add so much energy and dynamism to the Church. They have so many gifts from God to offer to each other and to others.
How can we learn from the young? What do they have to teach us by their witness? How can we empower them and walk together to a future filled with hope?
We are all called, no matter our age, to take our place as living members of the Body of Christ, contributing our diverse talents to the mission of the Church today! Christ is alive in our Church and in our world, and nowhere is that more visible and contagious than in the young!
Jesus was a young person himself, and He is alive in hearts that are young. Jesus plants dreams in the hearts of young people. How is Christ inviting you to join in making His dream for young people and the Church a reality?
 “Filled with the love of Christ, young people are called to be witnesses of the Gospel wherever they find themselves, by the way they live.”
(Pope Francis, Christus Vivit, no. 175)

Watch Youth Alive by clicking on the video above or by visiting this webpage.

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