In his homily at the installation Mass, Archbishop Prendergast (who was previously a bishop in Toronto, as well as an Archbishop in Halifax) reminded the faithful -- regardless of their state in life -- to their universal call to holiness. His Grace also recalled an old story in which warriors who were submerged in baptismal waters would hold their arms high to prevent their arms from being given to Christ. The idea was that in doing so, they would still be able to use their arms and hands to wreak havoc as warriors. Archbishop encouraged the faithful to not hold back, and to give themselves entirely to Christ:
Each of us could, no doubt, discover an area in our following of Jesus that still is incomplete, where we have not yet completely surrendered to the author of life, the one who proclaims good news to those held in bondage and declares that the purpose of his coming among us was to set us free from every form of slavery, for he is the Saviour and our redeemer, the Lord who offers us, even right here in this Eucharist today, a foretaste of the eternal life we will one day experience completely in the Kingdom of heaven.
It was an important reminder for all of us, who, in some capacity hold back from Christ -- whether it be failing to trust in God, or in speaking up for our faith, or in failing to practice what our Catholic faith demands of us in all aspects of our life. Ottawa's new Archbishop also added:
Please pray for me that whatever fears and anxieties I harbor in my soul—conscious and unconscious—may dissipate through our confidence in the grace of God, the embrace of Jesus, the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the maternal intercession of Our Lady, patroness of this cathedral basilica.
Let us remember Archbishop Prendergast, and the four other Canadian Archbishops -- Toronto's Archbishop Thomas Collins, Archbishop Brendan O'Brien of Kingston, Ontario, Archbishop Gerard Pettipas of Grouard-McLennan, Alberta, and Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton -- who will be receiving the Pallium this Friday, June 29th. (and though he is not receiving the Pallium, let us also remember Archbishop Michael Miller, C.S.B., who is now the co-adjutor of Vancouver.)
Salt + Light will be broadcasting the Holy Mass and imposition of the Pallium on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul live, this Friday, at 3am ET. There will be encore presentations of the English translation at 8pm and midnight ET. The Mass and ceremony will also be available to view in its entirety on our website after 9am ET.
Installation Photos: Wayne Cuddington, Ottawa Citizen, Canwest news.